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Come to Clear Creek for All Your Pet’s Surgical Needs

We know how stressful it can be to hear that your pet needs surgery. At Clear Creek Animal Hospital, we strive to make the process as gentle as possible to reduce anxiety for you and your beloved pet. We take the time to walk you through the entire procedure, and answer all your questions so you understand the details and know what to expect.

Our experienced surgical team has extensive experience in pet surgery and pain management. We perform routine soft tissue surgeries to treat a variety of acute and chronic conditions including:

  • Spays and neuters
  • Tumor/lump removals

In addition, Clear Creek also offers surgical care for complex medical conditions such as:

  • Biopsies
  • Wound repair

What to Expect

Pre-Surgery. It’s important to us that you and your pet are relaxed and ready on surgery day. We conduct a comprehensive physical exam and bloodwork screen beforehand to prep for the procedure and use of anesthesia, and we also give your pet a pre-operative sedative for relaxation purposes.

During Surgery. Operations take place in a dedicated sterile space to prevent infection or cross-contamination. Warm IV fluids are administered through an intravenous catheter and we closely monitor your pet’s vital statistics (heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels) throughout the procedure.

Post-Surgery. After the surgery is over, your pet will lay under a warming blanket until their body temperature rises back to normal. We provide you with detailed post-op instructions and guidelines but you can call us at any time if you have questions concerning your pet’s recovery or pain medications.

To learn more about Clear Creek Animal Hospital surgery services, please contact us.